According to Ohio Revised Code (ORC 3301.079), "blended learning" means the delivery of instruction in a combination of time in a supervised physical location away from home and online delivery whereby the student has some element of control over time, place, path or pace of learning. The key components of this include instruction in both a physical learning space away from home and online. The other components include some student choice of certain elements, like “time, place, path or pace of learning.” All these elements must be present to be considered a blended learning environment.


A formal program of blended learning for instructional delivery allows students to have truly personalized learning experiences. Digital technology has revolutionized daily life and modernized the definition of success on a global scale. Ohio students require the right tools and technologies to engage them in relevant and quality instruction-engaged in learning as they are in their everyday lives. 

Learning is more than the transfer of information. By embracing technology as a transformative tool and driving force of communication, creativity and globalization, educating Ohio students can move from a traditional style of learning to a more personalized approach. Bringing digital innovations and blended learning initiatives into the classroom will foster world-class knowledge and skills that enable students to achieve success in the global economy.